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From Snooze to Sweats: John’s Comical Gym Awakening

Terbit    :


It was a typical morning in John’s Manhattan apartment, not far from P-Coffee. John, a night-owl graphic designer, yawned as he rolled out of bed. Today was different, though. He had just landed a job to design an ad emphasizing the importance of going to the gym.

John: "Morning, John. Time to make a cool gym ad. Oh, the irony."

John chuckled, eyeing his slightly pudgy reflection in the mirror. He knew he needed inspiration, and that meant a trip to P-Coffee.

At P-Coffee, his favorite spot, Ben, the owner, greeted him with a big smile.

Ben: "Morning, John! You look like you’re deep in thought."

John:"Morning, Ben. I got a gig to design a gym ad. Funny, considering I haven’t stepped foot in a gym for years."

Ben burst into laughter.

Ben: "That’s hilarious. Let’s grab some coffee. Maybe it’ll spark some ideas."

John found his usual corner seat, and Birdy, Ben’s parrot, chirped from his perch.

Birdy: "Going to the gym is important! Going to the gym is important!"

John grinned at the parrot.

John: "Even Birdy gets it."

Ben brought over a steaming cup of coffee and sat down.

Ben: "So, what’s your plan for this ad?"

John:"I’m thinking something funny and inspiring. Maybe I’ll share some of my personal experiences to make it relatable."

Nearby, a customer who had been eavesdropping approached their table.

Customer: "Sorry, I overheard your conversation. I’m a personal trainer at the gym next door. Need some help with ideas?"

John’s eyes lit up.

John "Seriously? That’d be amazing! Thank you!"

The personal trainer joined them and brainstormed ways to make the ad engaging and funny.

Personal Trainer: "How about creating a character based on you? ‘Inspired John’—showing the transformation from lazy to motivated."

John laughed, already picturing it.

John: "That’s genius! I could do a story about ‘John the Designer’ who finds gym motivation through this project."

Ben smiled, and Birdy chirped again.

Birdy: "John the Designer! Gym is important!"

Feeling inspired, John enjoyed his coffee and thanked Ben and the personal trainer.

John: "Thanks, guys. This is exactly what I needed. Time to get to work."

Back at his apartment, John dove into designing the ad. He created a hilarious narrative of ‘John the Designer’ going from a couch potato to a gym hero—complete with scenes of him stumbling off a treadmill and lifting weights that were way too heavy.

The ad’s main message was clear: anyone can start their fitness journey, and finding motivation is key.

After completing the ad, John felt accomplished and decided to start his own gym routine.

John: "Going to the gym is important, and now I see why!"

That day at P-Coffee, John learned that inspiration can come from the most unexpected places, and a good laugh can make even the toughest tasks enjoyable.


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