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When a Hippo Dream Almost Ruined Our Wedding: A Hilarious Misunderstanding

Terbit    :


Michael and Jennifer, a young couple navigating the ups and downs of investing and wedding planning in Manhattan, had promised to be completely honest with each other, sharing everything, even their dreams. This transparency was going smoothly until one fateful Monday morning.

Michael woke up chuckling from a vivid dream and turned to Jennifer, who was still half-asleep.

Michael: "Morning, Jen. You won't believe the dream I had last night!"

Jennifer, rubbing her eyes and still groggy, mumbled, "What was it?"

Michael: "I dreamt you turned into a hippo!"

Jennifer's eyes shot open. They had just visited the zoo over the weekend, and Michael’s timing couldn’t have been worse—Jennifer was feeling particularly sensitive about her body image.

Jennifer: "A hippo? You dreamt I turned into a hippo?"

Michael, still oblivious, laughed. "Yeah, it was hilarious! You were splashing around and loving it. I was feeding you watermelon slices!"

Jennifer's face turned crimson. "So, you think I'm fat, is that it?"

Michael’s smile vanished. "No, no, it was just a dream! It had nothing to do with—"

Jennifer sat up, hands on her hips. "Oh, so now I’m a fat hippo in your dreams? Is that what you think of me?"

Michael panicked, trying to backtrack. "Jen, no! It was just a silly dream! It didn’t mean anything!"

Jennifer grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "How could you be so insensitive? You know I’m feeling bloated and you tell me this? Are you trying to make me feel worse?"

Michael dodged the pillow, his face pale. "Jen, I swear, it’s not like that! I didn’t mean anything by it!"

Jennifer stormed out of the bedroom, leaving Michael to ponder his ill-timed honesty.

Desperate to make amends, Michael later visited P-Coffee to seek advice from Ben, the café owner, and part-time relationship guru. Birdy, the parrot, perched cheerfully on his usual spot.

Michael: "Ben, I’m in deep trouble. I told Jennifer about a dream where she turned into a hippo, and now she’s furious."

Ben chuckled, shaking his head. "Michael, you’ve got to pick your moments better. Never, and I mean never, tell a woman she turned into a hippo, especially not when she’s on her period."

Birdy chirped in agreement. "Never tell a woman she’s a hippo! Never tell a woman she’s a hippo!"

Michael sighed. "What should I do, Ben? I need to fix this."

Ben smiled, handing Michael a cappuccino. "Apologize sincerely, and maybe bring her some flowers or her favorite chocolate. And next time, dream about her being something more flattering, like a unicorn."

Michael nodded, determined to make things right.

That evening, Michael returned home with a bouquet of flowers and Jennifer’s favorite chocolate. He found Jennifer in the living room, still looking upset.

Michael: "Jen, I’m really sorry. It was just a dream, and I didn’t think about how it might make you feel. You’re beautiful to me, always. Can you forgive me?"

Jennifer looked at the flowers, then at Michael’s earnest face, and finally, a small smile broke through.

Jennifer: "Okay, I forgive you. But next time, maybe dream about me turning into something a bit more... graceful?"

Michael laughed, relieved. "Deal. How about a swan? Or a goddess?"

Jennifer giggled. "That sounds better. Now, let’s forget about the hippo and enjoy the chocolates."

They sat together, enjoying the chocolates and laughing about the absurdity of the whole situation. Michael learned an important lesson that day: timing and sensitivity matter, especially when it comes to sharing dreams about hippos.


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